Here is another testamonial from one of our long time customers..
For a couple of years now I have been giving my students your lights. Illuminating a crime scene with them is a great help as they are usually poorly equipped. The white lights are great for lighting up evidence in the dark. Agents of the Mexican Attorney General’s Office have been the recipients of these lights and at times I run into ex-students when I travel. They are always quick to show me their lights and tell me how they have used them. They are also very, very useful for those who come home late from the bars and have a hard time finding the key hole. I suspect that having these lights has increased the professionalism of their investigations. Thanks much. Roger F. Marshall
Thank you Roger
Tags: key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, wholesale keychain lights, wholesale led keychain lights
Light Emitting Diode technology has advanced so much recently that a tiny LED keychain light can produce as much light as an old fashioned bulb type flash light did years ago. You remember those right? The light was yellow and started going dim soon after you turned it on. Also, you could forget about needing it to work if it had sat in a drawer for a month or two. You’d pull it out, shake it or hit it against your other hand for a few seconds of diminishing light. Now with LEDs you get a ton of light for next to nothing, it can be on your key ring for a year or two and will light up with no coaxing to help you find those coins you dropped in your car. All that light for a fraction of the cost of a flashlight with convenience that is hard to beat….what a deal.
Tags: key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain light, keychain lights, LED keychain light, wholesale keychain light, wholesale keychain lights, wholesale led keychain lights
Who is in the market for wholesale led keychain lights? Typically people who are shopping on behalf of large groups like churches, schools, government organizations etc. These are people who won’t find what they need in quantity or pricing even at their local WalMart. Also, wholesale pricing is relative. Buying led keychain lights wholesale from China one will get a better price but do you end up paying more in frustration? Think about it. How safe is it to send money to some unknown entity half a world away with no recourse if they don’t deliver. Plus how long will it take? Is there customs or duties issues? So when buying wholesale keychain lights make sure the company you are dealing with is based in the United States and is shipping from local inventory. Also, shop where you can pay with a credit card so you have the ability to dispute the charge if you are not satisfied.
Tags: church event, key chain light, key lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, mini flashlight, wholesale keychain light, wholesale keychain lights, wholesale led keychain lights