• 05May

    Our customer Jon is very impressed with the usefulness of  our mini key lights.  Read what he has to say….

    As an EMT, my partner and I arrived at a large house in the middle of
    the day, shortly after a police officer. Little did we know that the
    power had been turned off. When we needed to search for the patient’s
    medications in a dark bathroom, my partner started to walk to our
    ambulance and the officer started to walk to his patrol car. I instead
    reached into my pocket, pulled out my keychain light, and found her
    medications. Since then, we have one of the lights on all of our bags
    and attached to our clipboard.

    It’s funny how something like a mini key light which many  consider a novelty can be a real lifesaver.

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  • 21Apr
    Mini key lights create quite an effect.

     Read what one of customers had to say about the effect of that hundreds of our mini key lights created at his Easter church service.

    Hi Stan,
        The concert turned out great!  We do this event every year on the Friday before Easter Sunday and it involves music, multi-media, etc.  We had over 1200 in attendance so almost everyone got a light.  We encouraged everyone to shine their lights throughout the 90 minute concert, especially if they saw or heard something they were blessed by.  The lights were blinking on and off all the time which made for a nice effect.  At the end we had the whole congregation stand and join the choir in singing “Marvelous Light Medley” with the words on three large projection screens.  We shut down all the lights and follow spots and everyone held up their lights and it was awesome.  People from young and old really got into it and the whole room was lit up from the effect.  It was very cool and very intense.  It worked out just the way we hoped it would.  One of our guys took some pictures but I haven’t seen them yet.  When I get the disc I’ll send you a few that you would be free to use on your website or anywhere else.  Thanks again for the great deal on the lights, they worked out perfectly and everyone got to take one home and put it on their keychains as a reminder of the great worship service we had.
    Ocean State Baptist Church
    Thank you John for taking the time to write and tell us of your service and experience with our mini key lights.

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  • 15Apr

    I see ads and listings for UV LED key chain lights or blacklights as they are sometimes called for as low as 99 cents.  I think to myself, how can they sell them so cheap?  Then upon closer inspection I find out that these UV keychain lights are emitting a type of UV (400nm) light that is useless for the main reasons people want them for.  These uses are for document verification like drivers licenses, credit cards, currencies etc.  This type of UV light is in the 400nm range.  Light energy is measured in nanometers or nm and the lower the  number the more energy it has and 400nm is not a low number when it comes to UV.  As a result it is  cheaper to make and sell.  Many inks and dyes that are UV sensitive won’t show up hardly at all with 400nm UV light especially when there is daylight or artificial light around.  So if you want a UV LED keychain light that is going to show the markings you are looking for you’ll have to pay more.  The best compromise between value and performance in the area is 380-385nm.  These perform well in lighted area and extremely well when area lighting can be reduced.  I have used 365nm UV keychain lights and these work excellently in any condition but as you may have guessed they are quite expensive and are relatively hard to find since there are not many companies who even make them.  So there you have it just another case of buyer beware.

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  • 11Apr

    This is from our customer Jon B.

    “It was late November in the Catskills in New York, and I was heading up
    a mountain under about half a foot of snow. I came across a group of
    four kids with two adult leaders, one of whom was quite sick. I found
    them right at sunset, and they didn’t have a flashlight among them. Our
    obvious choice was to hunker down and wait six hours for a
    search-and-rescue team to walk them out. Instead, I reached into my
    pocket and pack, pulled out 6 keychain lights, and the group walked
    safely off the mountain. As a hiker, I now always carry the six spares
    (for myself or others) at a total weight of only two ounces!”

    We often look at these little keychain lights as novelties but as we can see from Jon’s story they can be a life saver!

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  • 09Apr

    Who is in the market for wholesale led keychain lights?  Typically people who are shopping on behalf of  large groups like churches, schools, government organizations etc.  These are people who won’t find what they need in quantity or pricing even at their local WalMart.  Also, wholesale pricing is relative.  Buying led keychain lights wholesale from China one will get a better price but do you end up paying more in frustration?  Think about it.  How safe is it to send money to some unknown entity half a world away with no recourse if they don’t deliver.  Plus how long will it take?  Is there customs or duties issues?  So when buying wholesale keychain lights make sure  the company you are dealing with is based in the United States and is shipping  from local inventory.  Also, shop where you can pay with a credit card so you have the ability to dispute the charge if you are not satisfied.

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  • 04Apr

    Over the years we’ve had numerous churches purchase large quantities of our led keychain lights for special events.  These events include Christmas, Easter and even July 4th.  The effect can be quite dazzling when a large congregation holds up their keychain lights in a darkened sanctuary!  Then after the service the church member has a useful momento of the service to put on their keychain.

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  • 07Apr

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Stan, the Key Light Guy of KeyLightguy.com.  This is my first blog post and I hope to do many of these over the coming months.  The topic of this post is more of a request.  I’d like to hear from people about the uses they have found for those handy little lights that are finding their way onto so many keychains.  Of course their are the usual uses like finding a keyhole in the dark, lighting the path to the front door or lighting the menu in a low light restaurant.  Those are typical uses which make these little lights invaluable but what uses have you found?  I’d like to hear from you.

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