Read what one of customers had to say about the effect of that hundreds of our mini key lights created at his Easter church service.
Hi Stan,
The concert turned out great! We do this event every year on the Friday before Easter Sunday and it involves music, multi-media, etc. We had over 1200 in attendance so almost everyone got a light. We encouraged everyone to shine their lights throughout the 90 minute concert, especially if they saw or heard something they were blessed by. The lights were blinking on and off all the time which made for a nice effect. At the end we had the whole congregation stand and join the choir in singing “Marvelous Light Medley” with the words on three large projection screens. We shut down all the lights and follow spots and everyone held up their lights and it was awesome. People from young and old really got into it and the whole room was lit up from the effect. It was very cool and very intense. It worked out just the way we hoped it would. One of our guys took some pictures but I haven’t seen them yet. When I get the disc I’ll send you a few that you would be free to use on your website or anywhere else. Thanks again for the great deal on the lights, they worked out perfectly and everyone got to take one home and put it on their keychains as a reminder of the great worship service we had.
Ocean State Baptist Church
Thank you John for taking the time to write and tell us of your service and experience with our mini key lights.
Tags: church, church event, key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, LED keychain light, mini flashlight, wholesale keychain lights
Over the years we’ve had numerous churches purchase large quantities of our led keychain lights for special events. These events include Christmas, Easter and even July 4th. The effect can be quite dazzling when a large congregation holds up their keychain lights in a darkened sanctuary! Then after the service the church member has a useful momento of the service to put on their keychain.
Tags: church, church event, key chain light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, mini flashlight