Here is another testamonial from one of our long time customers..
For a couple of years now I have been giving my students your lights. Illuminating a crime scene with them is a great help as they are usually poorly equipped. The white lights are great for lighting up evidence in the dark. Agents of the Mexican Attorney General’s Office have been the recipients of these lights and at times I run into ex-students when I travel. They are always quick to show me their lights and tell me how they have used them. They are also very, very useful for those who come home late from the bars and have a hard time finding the key hole. I suspect that having these lights has increased the professionalism of their investigations. Thanks much. Roger F. Marshall
Thank you Roger
Tags: key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, wholesale keychain lights, wholesale led keychain lights
Light Emitting Diode technology has advanced so much recently that a tiny LED keychain light can produce as much light as an old fashioned bulb type flash light did years ago. You remember those right? The light was yellow and started going dim soon after you turned it on. Also, you could forget about needing it to work if it had sat in a drawer for a month or two. You’d pull it out, shake it or hit it against your other hand for a few seconds of diminishing light. Now with LEDs you get a ton of light for next to nothing, it can be on your key ring for a year or two and will light up with no coaxing to help you find those coins you dropped in your car. All that light for a fraction of the cost of a flashlight with convenience that is hard to beat….what a deal.
Tags: key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain light, keychain lights, LED keychain light, wholesale keychain light, wholesale keychain lights, wholesale led keychain lights
This is from our customer Jon B.
“It was late November in the Catskills in New York, and I was heading up
a mountain under about half a foot of snow. I came across a group of
four kids with two adult leaders, one of whom was quite sick. I found
them right at sunset, and they didn’t have a flashlight among them. Our
obvious choice was to hunker down and wait six hours for a
search-and-rescue team to walk them out. Instead, I reached into my
pocket and pack, pulled out 6 keychain lights, and the group walked
safely off the mountain. As a hiker, I now always carry the six spares
(for myself or others) at a total weight of only two ounces!”
We often look at these little keychain lights as novelties but as we can see from Jon’s story they can be a life saver!
Tags: key chain light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, mini flashlight
Over the years we’ve had numerous churches purchase large quantities of our led keychain lights for special events. These events include Christmas, Easter and even July 4th. The effect can be quite dazzling when a large congregation holds up their keychain lights in a darkened sanctuary! Then after the service the church member has a useful momento of the service to put on their keychain.
Tags: church, church event, key chain light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, mini flashlight
It goes without saying white is by far the most popular color for LED keychain lights however we do sell a fair number of red and blue keychain lights. The reasons for this vary but the main advantage for these colors are in situations where lighting is required when working in the dark and minimal disturbance and eye adjusting is needed. Here are some examples; a darkened airplane cockpit, when stargazing with telescopes, photographic and x-ray darkrooms, in hospitals when doing rounds at night and checking patients and equipment, sleep study staff again for minimal patient disturbance etc. The color red seems to be best suited to this purpose and provides workable light while creating minimal disturbance and blue gives a little more light but is still subdued enough for the jobs you have in mind.
Tags: key chain light, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light
In upcoming blogs I will be writing about the uses our customers have for our little lights. One use that some of our customers have told me about is attaching the light on their dogs collar when taking their dogs out for a walk or run at night. They switch the light on then let the dog go and instead of trying to look for their dog they just keep an eye out for the light. I’m always interested in the uses people come up with for these lights and I would like to here from anyone who has used these lights in unique ways. Also, I am always on the lookout for new products to carry…any ideas?
Tags: key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light
Many of our customers are looking for unique fun ways to promote their business. In my opinion there is no better more economical way to do this than by handing out or sending a LED keychain light imprinted with your logo, phone number and or website. Think about it….what happens to that personalized pen, coffee mug, cup holder, letter opener, cap or t-shirt you give to your customer or prospective client? Most of the time it will end up in a drawer, cupboard, cabinet or worse the trash. Why? Because we already have too many of those things. But when somebody hands you an LED keychain light where does it go? On your keychain, with your keys that are with you where ever you go. Your information is with them ALL THE TIME. If they already have one on their keychain they will do one of two things. They will replace their old one or give it to a friend or family member but it will not be thrown in a drawer or discarded. And on top of it all they are simple fun to give away and to receive! People love these little lights!
Tags: key chain light, key light, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light