It goes without saying white is by far the most popular color for LED keychain lights however we do sell a fair number of red and blue keychain lights. The reasons for this vary but the main advantage for these colors are in situations where lighting is required when working in the dark and minimal disturbance and eye adjusting is needed. Here are some examples; a darkened airplane cockpit, when stargazing with telescopes, photographic and x-ray darkrooms, in hospitals when doing rounds at night and checking patients and equipment, sleep study staff again for minimal patient disturbance etc. The color red seems to be best suited to this purpose and provides workable light while creating minimal disturbance and blue gives a little more light but is still subdued enough for the jobs you have in mind.
Posted by keylight @ 3:33 pm
Tags: key chain light, keychain light, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light
One Response

January 12th, 2022 at 11:19 pm