I see ads and listings for UV LED key chain lights or blacklights as they are sometimes called for as low as 99 cents. I think to myself, how can they sell them so cheap? Then upon closer inspection I find out that these UV keychain lights are emitting a type of UV (400nm) light that is useless for the main reasons people want them for. These uses are for document verification like drivers licenses, credit cards, currencies etc. This type of UV light is in the 400nm range. Light energy is measured in nanometers or nm and the lower the number the more energy it has and 400nm is not a low number when it comes to UV. As a result it is cheaper to make and sell. Many inks and dyes that are UV sensitive won’t show up hardly at all with 400nm UV light especially when there is daylight or artificial light around. So if you want a UV LED keychain light that is going to show the markings you are looking for you’ll have to pay more. The best compromise between value and performance in the area is 380-385nm. These perform well in lighted area and extremely well when area lighting can be reduced. I have used 365nm UV keychain lights and these work excellently in any condition but as you may have guessed they are quite expensive and are relatively hard to find since there are not many companies who even make them. So there you have it just another case of buyer beware.
Posted by keylight @ 10:20 pm
Tags: key chain light, key light, key lights, keychain flashlight, keychain lights, led keychain, LED keychain light, mini flashlight, pet stains, ultra violet, UV
One Response

January 13th, 2022 at 12:31 am